Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Day 3

Day 3 of no sugar was a little harder. I'm not really sure what I wanted to snack on, but I just wanted something. I think it was mostly I just wanted something to chew on. I actually feel really good without all the sugar. I feel healthier and have more energy. I did yoga today with a Jillian Micheals DVD.  Yikes, she can kick your ass! I had to make a lot of moves more RA friendly, but it can be done. I was covered in sweat with jelly legs once I got through. Thank goodness my daughter still takes a nap because by 1:00, I was dragging ass!

I keep having to remember this is not something that will change overnight. I tend to get a little less motivated when I don't see results. I think if I can just give it a month I will have more motivation. However, if I don't see some things change on the scale this week I am going to be so pissed!! Do I think about cake a lot, yes, but I still have the sight of me on jumbo screen at the game to remind me why I don't really need it. I dream of the day I will crave fruit instead of sweets.

Since I've been off of methotrexate for about a month it would be a great if the train that keeps running me over when I sleep would stop. I had forgotten what it felt like to hurt from my collar bone down, to hobble to the bathroom every morning, and have random joints swell during the day. I just want to lay on the couch all day and watch movies.....but I have a 3 year old. So the exact moment when I get comfortable she needs something and I have to get back up. It's like kids have a sixth sense about parents relaxing! RA, you suck!!!

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